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HoodieTee Blog


The New Superbright Hoodie

We are super excited about our new Superbright Hoodie! Available in eight electric combinations, these hoodies will keep you warm, and make sure you stand out on long dark winter nights.

We think they look awesome! The colours have been chosen from the most popular choices, and then jazzed up with an electric partner, meaning there’s a choice to suit everyone.

Here at Hoodie Tee we’re always trying to get you the newest and the best products, and we’re one of the only places where you can grab yours. And if that wasn’t exclusive enough for you, you can only get the hot pink colour on this hoodie style. There literally isn’t enough fluorescent pink dye in the world, so Hoodie Tee is one of the only places online to get this scintillating combination for your leavers hoodie. So don’t miss out, and order your Superbright Hoodie today!

  • 13 Feb, 2014
  • Gail Freedman
  • AWDis, bespoke hoodies, bright colours, custom hoodies, Exclusive, Hoodies, Hot pink, New products, Superbright,

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