- 03May2014
5 of the Best Tips for Exam Survival!
Take a look at our 5 top tips for surviving your exams:
• Take time for a break
Studying for exams is hard work, make sure to have a breather for at least 5-10 minutes every hour. And don’t do more than three hours at a time; the brain simply can’t handle it and may frazzle!
• Make sure to sleep
Not over your books though, dribble ruins the ink! Make sure to hit the hay at a reasonable hour, maybe drifting off to your favourite chilled out music on your iPod or the radio, a minimum of 8 hours sleep should do the trick.
• Eat Well Food will provide you with energy that you need to concentrate. Try eating a balanced diet including fruit, vegetables, bread, pasta, rice or make some brain busting smoothies- delish!
• Don’t compare yourself to others Set your goals based on what you know you can achieve, rather than trying to compete with friends. Everyone has their own method of studying and will work at a different pace.
• Remember to breathe
To ensure maximum levels of oxygen to the brain where the depth of your knowledge is stored, it is imperative for you to sit down and take six deep breaths before you start your exam. Imagine you’re inhaling knowledge and expelling doubt and worry.All that’s left to say is GOOD LUCK!
- 3 May, 2014
- Gail Freedman
- eat well, exam survival, exams, Leavers, no stress, sleep well, study,