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HoodieTee Blog


Happy 4th July 2014 – Uni Leavers Hoodies

As it’s the 4th of July, which is Independence Day celebrated by Americans all over the world, I thought I’d write a blog post about my experience of Uni in America

I lived and went to University in American for my third year and absolutely loved my time at Butler University in Indianapolis. It was there during my time here I came up with the idea for Hoodie Tee.  I can remember very clearly, sitting in my dorm, seeing all these class shirts and wondering why we don’t do something like that when we left school back in the UK.

On leaving Uni, we had a t-shirt with the Young Enterprise Group produced for us, however it was nowhere near the same as the leavers hoodies which are now so popular today. So when I came back to the UK, I decided to look into launching Hoodie Tee, which provides quality leavers hoodies along with school trip, Uni, ski trip, dance and hen hoods.

Class Shirts as they are known in the States are a massive part of leaving high school, but how do they differ from the leavers hoodies we produce here at Hoodie Tee? Firstly, most of the schools and colleges we work with have school crests or logos, whereas class shirts in America, are typically based on mascots.

The University I attended in Indianapolis had a Bulldog for its Mascot, called Blue, whereas the High School I attended in Edinburgh has a crest, based on its heritage.

butler blue mascotGeorge Heriots Crest



The second most significant difference is the design. British people tend to be far more conservative in their approach to design, whereas in the states they love big, bold in your face prints; which we are occasionally asked for but not frequently.

I have to thank the USA for inventing the creative idea for ‘class shirts’ and enabling us to recreate them in our own style and design as Leaver Hoodies.


Louise & hubby



Cheesecake Factory, Class Tshirts, Butler University and Candycorn are some of the special places and things I loved about America. What are your fondest memories or places to visit?

  • 4 Jul, 2014
  • Louise MacKenzie
  • 2014 leavers hoodies, uni leavers hoodies, university hoodies,

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